Gary and Rob update us on their progress

Step 1, purchase equipment. Tick.
A momentous day, we’ve bought the car for our challenge. This little beauty will (with a lot of luck and a favourable tailwind) take us around Britain on 4000 miles of A and B roads. It’s certainly…..err…..cosy. If you’ve never driven a 3-wheeled car before, our advice would be: don’t; at least not for more than a trip to the local! The corners are a little hairy, the grip on the road a little suspect and even driving our newest acquisition the few miles home was pretty harrowing – EVERYTHING passes you. There is not a lot of suspension and the seats are a disaster – something needs to be done!
The next step is to name her. Any ideas? If you’d like to put in a suggestion, along with a £5 donation of course, we’ll offer a prize for the name that gets chosen. To do this, sponsor us on the link below and include your name suggestion there.
Thank you to everyone that has supported us so far, we’re delighted to be well on our way to our fundraising target. But more is needed. If you haven’t sponsored us, please help. Your support will motivate us when the going gets tough – and it will!.
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